Radio Communication Procedures
General Radio Traffic
Every position in the unit has a unique callsign for clear communication.
Format for Sending Traffic:
- Always include an address (receiver) and a terminator (sender).
- Example:
- "YOU, this is ME, [message]... Over."
- The format ensures the message reaches the correct person and they know who sent it.
- "Over" indicates the net is free for the receiver to respond.
Radio Check
Used to verify radio functionality and ensure both sides can transmit and receive traffic.
Initiating a Radio Check:
- Example:
- "Any station, this is CALLSIGN on FREQUENCY, radio check over."
- If clear:
- "CALLSIGN, this is ME. Roger on FREQUENCY, over."
- If poor reception:
- "CALLSIGN, this is ME. You are coming in broken and unreadable, over."
ACE Report
Used to relay your Ammo, Casualty, and Equipment (ACE) status.
- Example:
- "YOU, this is ME, I am Green, Green, Green on ACE, over."
- Sent to your Team or Squad Leader to maintain situational awareness.
- Leaders relay this information to higher command for logistical coordination.
Important Notes:
- Do not estimate your status. Take time to accurately check ammunition, casualties, and equipment.
Contact Report
Used to report enemy engagement.
- Example:
- "YOU, this is ME, taking contact: Distance, Direction, Description, over."
Key Components:
- Distance: How far the contact is.
- Direction: Where the contact is located (e.g., compass bearing or clock direction).
- Description: What you are engaging (e.g., number of enemies, type of units).
By following these procedures, you ensure clear and effective communication across your unit!