From Application: Attachment 6a. Financial Risk Assessment Questionnaire (can also be completed through
Google Forms)
b. A financial risk rating will be assigned for all applicants. Local public health agencies are not required to complete Attachment E: Financial Risk Assessment Questionnaire because they already have a risk rating assigned by the CDPHE Financial Risk Management System (FRMS). Colorado State Agencies and Colorado State Institutions of Higher Education are not required to complete the Financial Risk Assessment Questionnaire. This form must be completed and submitted by all other applicants, including nonprofits, for-profit businesses or governmental agencies. Applicants must retain a copy of their completed Financial Risk Assessment Questionnaire for any additional funding applications within a 12 month period, the same budget period. Any changes will require a new form to be submitted. The application may not be reviewed if the completed form is not included. The Financial Risk Assessment rating does NOT determine whether or not CDPHE will fund an applicant, rather, it determines an applicant’s financial and management strength, and the level of technical assistance and contract monitoring necessary to help the applicant succeed with the project if awarded. In order to incorporate all relevant information, programs must include the financial risk rating in their initial discussions about which applications should be provided to the review committees AND during the review committee evaluations for funding decisions. The final application score may be impacted by risk determinations made by CDPHE based on information contained in the form. Scores will be communicated to the grant review committee and may be considered in the overall score. Technically, the score could be impacted when the review committee members see the financial risk assessment score. The form and guidance are part of this announcement. For more information, please Financial Risk Assessment FAQs.
c. Instructions: If your entity is a nonprofit, for-profit business or governmental agency, you are required to complete the financial risk assessment questionnaire (Attachment 6). Local public health agencies are not required to complete the form because they already have a risk rating assigned via the CDPHE Financial Risk Management Survey (FRMS).
d. Any questions regarding the Risk Assessment Questionnaire must be submitted through the inquiry process.